Sunday, July 8, 2012


Welcome to Among the Stacks a blog dedicated to books for teens.  Many genres and types of books will be reviewed in this blog but fantasy novels will be featured heavily as the genre is near and dear to my heart. 

For me the fantasy genre allows me to explore "what ifs"- what if magic existed or dragons were real- and worlds where the only limits are those imposed by imagination.  Sixteen year old Peter A. enjoys fantasy books because they "allow you to imagine that you can be more than just you.  Or you just with special powers like Sophie and Josh in the Nicolas Flamel books."
Many other teens enjoy fantasy for similar reasons but (sadly for me in a professional standpoint) mostly get recommendations from friends and other sources such as facebook,, Twitter, or Youtube.  That being the case I've made an effort to include media from these sources.
Please feel free to make suggestions or comment- they are always welcome.

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