Sunday, July 8, 2012

Buried Onions

Soto, Gary.  Buried Onions. Orlando: Harcourt, Inc, 1997.  Paperback.  ISBN-13: 978-0-15-201333-2.  US $6.95.    


          Nineteen year old Eddie hasn't had an easy life growing up in the barrios of Fresno but he had a plan until his cousin was killed.  Now he's unsure of what he's going to do and how he'll survive.  Recommended for ages 15+ due to some sexual situations and drug use.
Book cover image from

Book Review:

        Eddie is trying to survive in Fresno, California but life just does not seem to come easy for the 19 year old Mexican American.  His cousin has been murdered, his boss’s car was stolen while in his care, and he doesn’t know what to do with his life next.  But then life in Fresno doesn’t seem to come easy for anyone.

           While not particularly up-lifting, Soto’s Buried Onions is a gripping, gritty tale of life in the barrios of Fresno.  It is well-written, fast paced, and full of action that would be a hit with anyone looking for realistic street fiction especially high school aged teenage boys.  I found the slang terms and Spanish phrases used throughout the book confusing at first but between the glossary provided in the back of the book and context clues was able to figure the meaning out.  For someone not familiar with Spanish or without the patience to flip to the back of the book, the phrases used could be off putting. 

Awards and Honorable Mentions:
1998- YALSA Best Fiction for Young Adults

Want to know more about this book or author?  Check these out:

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